Casehistory 53 yr old male pt (long case)

January 20.2023

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment 


A 53 year old male patient who is daily wage worker by occupation came to opd  whith chief complaints of  fever , abdominal pain , fever , no passage of stools since four days 


Pt was apparently asymptomatic four days back then he developed fever with chills , rigor, headache and constipation , pedal edema facial puffiness  sob 

Loss of appetite since 4 days 

History of past illness: :   K /c / o dm 2 since 10 years on regular medication metformin 500 mg  

Appendicectomy done  2014

Spinal surgery done in 2016 

N / k /c / o : htn ,thyroid ,tb ,asthma, epilepsy , 

Known alcoholic since 20 yrs regular stoped smoking fours yrs back  , 2 packs of smoking daily before four yrs for 25 yrs 

 Personal history : 

Diet : mixed 

Appetite: loss 

Sleep : adequate 

BnB : irregular since 4 dys 

Addiction: alcoholic 

Family history : no such complaints in family

No history of drug allergy 

General examination : pt was  consious coherent  cooperative and well oriented  to time and place 

   No pallor , icterus , cyanosis , clubbing , lymphadenopathy 

Moderately nourished 

Pitting edema present in lower limbs 
Temp: 101’f 
Bp: 140/80 mmhg 
RR : 17c/ min 
PE: 92 bpm 
G RBS:167 mg / dl

Spo2 : 92


Shape: scaphoid 


Umbilicus: central &inverted 

no scars,no scratches, 

No dilated veins

Movements are normal

No visible pulsations 

Cullens sign - negative


no raise of temperature 

no tenderness

Kidney and spleen not palpable 

no  palpable mass


No fluid thrill

No Shifting dullness seen


bowel sounds heard

No bruit



Chest: symmetrical

Trachea: central

No drooping of shoulders,

 no kyphoscoliosis

 no use of accessory respiratory muscles

Movement with respiration is symmetrical on both sides


trachea: central

no intercoastal widening 

Whole thorax measurement:34 inches

Hemi Thorax:17 inches 

Vocal fremitus -normal 


Dullness noted from 5th intercoastal space 


vesicular breath sounds

No added bruits


S1&S2 heard

No thrills,no murmurs



Impression: Normocytic normochromic blood picture with thrombocytopenia.

Impression : right renal calculi 

Diagnosis: viral pyrexia with thrombocytopenia  

 Treatment: inj. Pan 40 mg ( pantoprazole) iv
Inj. Vit b complex 
Inj . Thiamine 200mg  iv
Inj. Frusemide 40 mg 
Tab, paracetmol 650 mg 
Inj. Paracetamol 1 gm 
Inj. Zofer4 mg / iv 
Syp. Potchlor 
Syp. Cremaffin 15 ml 
High fiber diet 
Monitor vitals 4 th hourly 
Inj. Doxy 100 mg iv 

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