52 year female with fever and pedal edema( short case)

 20 jan 20203 This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box.

  52 yrs female came to casualty with c/o sob since morning 

C/o fever , cough pedal edema since 3 days 

Hopi:  pt was apparently asymptomatic 6 mnths back. She was complaing of  low grade fever from 1 week burning micturation 

Not associated with chills 

No evening raise of temp 

History of past illness:   K / c /o HTN  tab. Telma 40 mg  AND DM from 20 yrs Is on tab. Glymi1

Herbal medication for PEDAL EDEMA  stoped medication for no reason after one month development of pedal edema  , fever and sob 

Personal history:  loss of appetite 

Bowel and bladder movements notmal

Sleep  adequate 

No habits / addictions 

she is married 

Age of menarchy: 49 

Local examination: 

No pallor , icterus , cyanosis clubbing 

Pedal edema present 

Vitals: temp . 96.9f 

PR: 78b/ min 

RR: 24 c/ min

BP : 220/ 110 mmhg 

Spo2: 98%

GRBS : 92mg%

Moderately nourished 

 Systemic examination:


Inspection : distended abdomin


no raise of temperature 

no tenderness

Kidney and spleen not palpable 

no  palpable mass


No fluid thrill

No Shifting dullness seen


bowel sounds heard

No bruit



Chest: symmetrical

Trachea: central

No drooping of shoulders,

 no kyphoscoliosis

 no use of accessory respiratory muscles

Movement with respiration is symmetrical on both sides


trachea: central

no intercoastal widening 

Vocal fremitus -normal 


No fluid thrill

No Shifting dullness seen


vesicular breath sounds 

Crepts are heard 


S1&S2 heard

No thrills,no murmurs




No signs of neck stiffness

Sensory system :normal

Motor system: normal


 Cardiomegaly  , cp angle normal 
Haziness  pulmonary edema

Metabolic acidosis 
Bicarbonates decrease

diagnosis: aki on ckd with  HTN and DM

Differential diagnosis: pulmonary edema

Treatment: inj. Lasix 40 mg iv 

Oxygen inhalation 

T.nicardia 20 mg 

Inj. Soda bicarbs

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